Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Intraspecific structure of the Coregonus lavaretus complex in water bodies of Siberia: a case of postglacial allopatric origin of Yukagirian whitefish 577 573 2
A re-evaluation of conflicting taxonomic structures of Eurasian Triaenophorus spp. (Cestoda, Bothriocephalidea: Triaenophoridae) based on partial cox1 mtDNA and 28S rRNA gene sequences 531 586 66
Phylogenetic position of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) from Teletskoye Lake (Siberia) based on complete mitochondrial DNA 203 204 2
Evidence of dispersal between the Yenisei and the Lena river basins during the late Pleistocene within the whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus pidschian) complex 398 397 2
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Bochkarev, Nickolay A.

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Bochkarev, Nickolay A.

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